Tuesday 5 January 2010

Still Waiting

So, the sweep didn't work. Starting to get a little frustrated now, the baby is still very happy inside and wriggling round plenty - particularly last night, when I had to get up and go on my hands and knees to try and get some comfort relief for a while, grrr!!!

We've not cancelled the induction for Friday on the advice of a midwife, but have arranged to go to the walk-in obstetrics department tomorrow to check on the health of the baby and to establish how ready my body is for labour, so we can make an educated decision about next steps - done of my own volition, as the Dr. would just have had us turn up for induction regardless on Friday.

I am still so keen to do things the way I would like - as naturally as possible - but I just can't shake the sentiment of the Dr. I saw last week, that we should get the baby out as soon as possible. It has caused me a lot of stress, because clearly the most important thing is the health and safety of our precious and much longed for baby.