Friday 18 December 2009

Hypnobirthing Heaven?

I've promised myself a Hypnobirthing afternoon today, I make sure I do at least something everyday, but if I am honest, sometimes its something very small like practicing my breathing techniques for a couple of minutes, a saint I am not. What I really need to focus on today is the relaxation and visualisation techniques, some of the time I listen to them on my iPod and I really go with it, other times I realise I am busy listening to that little voice in my head babbling on about random stuff instead and then next thing I know the session has finished, doh. 

Still, one thing is for sure, Hypnobirthing has made me feel really relaxed about the birth, I may look back post-birth and marvel at my own naivety, but I really am feeling no fear at the moment - the Hypnobirthing theory is that fear plays a big part in making labour a painful experience, which makes sense to me, as your body tightens up when you're tense and worried, so my aim is to be as relaxed as possible throughout. 

I'm trying to keep as active as I can at the moment, to try and ensure that the baby doesn't arrive too late, the midwife said I need to find a balance between resting and being active, as activity will definitely help move things in the right direction. Makes sense, my other half was bemoaning the no. of times you find yourself really needing to get to a loo half way through an early morning run, same principle, get the body stirred up with some activity and all the body's systems galvanise themselves into action.

Oh and finally for today, here's the pic of the new stroller system that I mentioned I'd post, it really is Micralite by name and by nature, lovin' it!