Saturday 19 December 2009

A Tear To My Eye

My mum came over today to help do some 'spring' cleaning before the bub arrives. She turned up clutching a newly upholstered chair for me, the very chair that she used to sit and breastfeed me in. The chair was made for my mum when she was a little girl, by her great uncle Ted, who had his own furniture business. When I saw it my eyes welled up, I've been pretty balanced on the emotions front through the pregnancy, but all the family history wrapped up in the chair tipped me over. 

Mum also brought up the baby shawl she used to wrap me in - back up for if the chair didn't have me in tears perhaps?!! So, a very emotional start to our weekend. 

We then set to work gutting the kitchen cupboards, whilst my other half carried on his mission to paint all the spindles on the staircase, I keep telling him the baby won't notice if its not all perfectly finished in time, but he's determined. Can't believe that tomorrow marks 39 weeks of pregnancy, its all getting very exciting now.